Wakilni's Pricing Policy: A Value-Driven Approach

20 Aug 2024
Breaking down the economics of logistics
Logistics is often overlooked as a minor expense, even though it constitutes a significant 5-12% of an e-commerce business's operational costs. Its impact extends far beyond mere expenditure; it directly influences customer satisfaction, retention, and overall business success. At Wakilni, we are fully aware that exceptional logistics is actually a strategic advantage. Our pricing policy reflects this commitment, prioritizing service quality, team well-being, and sustainable growth.

What Goes into Wakilni’s Delivery Fees?

Wakilni’s delivery fees encompass a range of essential logistics tasks, ensuring that our drivers are fairly compensated for their work. These tasks include the pickup journey, delivery of orders, return journeys (if applicable), and the return of cash to the shop. Commenting on these operational costs, Chief Strategy Officer Omar Sabra says, “Drivers need to be paid a higher and fair amount.” He further explains that Wakilni is trying to bring back the salaries to their pre-crisis rates, “even though the company’s revenues aren't there yet”. Afterall, the added value Wakilni provides is the expertise level of its drivers, including the manner in which they are able to personalize the delivery process and the level of familiarity they have built with their customers.

Adapting to Economic Challenges

The economic crisis in Lebanon, marked by the devaluation of the LBP and the dollarization of the economy, has had a profound impact on wages and operational costs. Despite these challenges, Wakilni has maintained a pay scale that is significantly higher than the national average because we recognize that our team deserves more. Retaining our employees is a top priority, even if it means losing some clients who are unwilling to accept fee increases. We believe that our team’s satisfaction is crucial to delivering the exemplary service our clients expect.

The Value of Personalized Account Management

Another unique selling point of Wakilni is our commitment to personalized account management. This service not only fosters client loyalty but also helps build a sense of community with the shops we serve. Personalized account management allows us to continuously exceed customer expectations by tailoring our services to meet their specific needs. This process involves understanding each client’s unique requirements, developing customized solutions, and maintaining regular communication. All of these services are supported by a robust tech framework, developed and maintained by our in-house team, which is dedicated to enhancing the tech ecosystem that underpins Wakilni’s services.

Gradual Adjustments and Client Considerations

During the economic crisis, Wakilni’s delivery rates dropped to 20% of their pre-crisis levels. Through careful adjustments, we have managed to restore these rates to 75% of their original value. We understand that sudden fee increases can be challenging for our clients, so we apply new rates gradually. New clients are onboarded with the updated rates, while long-standing clients are eased into the changes over time, respecting their financial constraints.

Wakilni’s pricing policy is designed to respect the needs of the industry, our clients, and our team. By continuously improving our services and supporting the growth of small and micro businesses, we focus on adding value and expanding the market. While maintaining commercial viability is essential, our ultimate loyalty lies with our core values. In order to be always able to move you, sometimes we need a little push — one that ensures we can continue to serve you with excellence.
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Working Hours
Monday to Friday
from 8am till 5pm
from 8am till 1pm

Delivering across Lebanon
within 24 to 72 hours
Range 4$ - 8$

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